How to Gain Muscle with only 7 Exercises, No Equipment Required
5 minutes read.
Do you like to exercise every week but your challenge has been that you don’t have any equipment? Relaxed you could build a cute attractive body figure without equipment.
When it comes to developing an incredible male physique, building muscle is a huge priority. This is especially true if you tend to be on the smaller side or struggle with a “skinny-fat” build.
Simply put, you need muscle on your frame before it’s worth Rosemary essential oil, which is a simple remedy that you can use at home, and it may even be competitive with commercial products.
What’s more, learning to build your muscle is quite safe when practiced correctly and yields very few side effects trying to lose a ton of weight. If you’re not sure where to begin, this blog post will guide you through seven simple steps to follow without equipment.
Gaining muscle requires you to exert force against external resistance.
Although most traditional muscle-building programs involve using weights and other equipment, you can gain muscle with bodyweight exercises at home or near where you live, especially if you are new to working out.
These simple bodyweight exercises will not only increase your muscle Mass but will improve your cardiorespiratory fitness research says.
The most important thing for building muscle with bodyweight exercises is finding ways to make the exercise more difficult over time.
Here I’ll show you seven top proven bodyweight exercises for men to build muscle. With each one, I’ll give you a few tips on how to make it more challenging depending on your current level.
Perform three to five sets of each exercise using a position that causes failure by 15 total repetitions.
1. Push-ups
Pushups are an amazing bodyweight exercise. They work your shoulders, chest, triceps, and core with no equipment and allow a variety of progressions.
To perform a standard pushup, start in a plank position and lower your chest and body toward the floor by bending at your elbows and shoulders while maintaining a braced core.
When your body is about an inch off the ground, drive through both hands to return to the top position.
To make them more difficult, you can move your hands closer together or shift your body forward while keeping your hands in place to decrease the leverage and increase the muscular difficulty. Finally, advanced individuals can work towards a one-arm push-up.
A 10-year longitudinal follow-up study, involving 1562 participants (among men between 21 to 66) showed that the participants who were able to complete more than 40 push-ups per week were associated with a significant reduction in the incidence of cardiovascular disease (CVD) event risk compared with those completing fewer than 10 push-ups. However, more studies are needed.
2. Air Squats
Squats are a must-do exercise for muscle size in your lower body. Standard squats start with your feet hip-width distance apart. Sit back, and lower your hips by bending at the waist and knees until your thighs are parallel to the floor.
At the bottom of your squat, drive through both feet to return to the starting position.
To make the exercise more challenging, you can add a jump at the top of each repetition or carry some external weight such as a backpack.
An eight weeks body mass-based squat training study was shown to significantly decreased the percent body fat (4.2%) and significantly increased the lean body mass (2.7%), muscle thickness (3.2%), and strength of the knee extensors (16.0%), compared to those who didn’t involve in such exercise.
3. Lunges
Lunges are another great lower body exercise to build muscle in the glutes, quads, and hamstrings.
Perform a lunge by stepping forward with a large step and lowering your whole body by dropping your back knee toward the floor. When your knee is an inch off the floor, press through the front foot to return to the starting position.
To make the exercise more challenging, perform an explosive jump between each repetition, or elevate your front or rear foot on a step.
The split squat or lunge is an exercise that increases hip and knee extensor muscle strength, which in turn can indirectly improve the quality of life in a non-athletic person.
4. Pull-ups
Pull-ups technically require equipment since you need somewhere to hang onto and pull yourself up. Play structures or public parks often have suitable bars for pull-ups.
Using an overhand or underhand grip, hang from a bar and pull your chest to the bar by bending at the elbows and shoulder.
You can make pull-ups more difficult by changing grip variations, increasing speed on the upward movement while slowing the downward movement, or adding external weight.
Pull-up exercise is designed to increase muscular strength and endurance of both the upper extremities and torso
5. Sprints
Believe it or not, performing all-out sprints and similar training builds muscle in the lower body similar to resistance training. You can also progress fairly easily by increasing your speed or distance covered in each sprint.
I recommend starting with 40-meter sprints and performing five to 10 total sprints per workout.
6. Single-Leg Squats
Performing a squat on one leg, sometimes called a “pistol squat,” is challenging.
However, it allows you to put your entire body weight on a single leg, drastically increasing your ability to continue to build muscle in your legs after regular squats become too easy to properly stimulate further muscle growth.
Begin this exercise standing, and straighten one leg out in front of you. Lower your body by bending the planted leg, keeping your other leg extended the whole time. At the bottom, push through your planted foot to return to the top position.
7. Handstand Pushups
Long-term passive handstand exercise can promote cerebrovascular elasticity training and delay signs of aging experts recommend.
At the end of my list of the best exercises for men to build muscle without equipment is handstand pushups. I’m going, to be honest: These are beyond the reach of most individuals.
However, if you progress to the point where you can perform this exercise, they are a very effective way to build muscle in your chest and shoulders.
Start on a handstand, lower your chest, and face toward the floor. When you reach the bottom, press through both hands to return to the top position.
I hope you get the value worth your time, I appreciate the time you spend with me. Leave a comment below if you find this post helpful and feel free to drop your question if any. Cheers!
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